Happy Halloween and forced bisexual phone sex, fag. I bet you want to dress in drag. You see, I’ve been so fucking busy, it’s been tough getting a hold of me. I figured Halloween would be a nice day to post. Why the fuck not? I can be more evil than usual. *wink* Who are we kidding. I’m as bitchy as I want to be when I want to be.
You’re ALL whores. If you’re a dirty dick sucking fag, I already know. You’re pathetic. I think it’s so funnnnnny when men don’t understand the size of their own cocks. Like, it’s not that small. Don’t you realize ANY man who is even a bit larger than your peon prick, is more of a man than you? You’re a pussy. I’m not sure you deserve to be a woman. I’m not sure you deserve anything but letting me pimp you out. On your knees sucking dick while I laugh and take your money. You see closet fag, other people might not know what a cock hungry whore you are, but I do.
It must feel horrible being so weak when your useless prick is hard… you don’t have any control. I’m amazed you aren’t drooling all over yourself, boi toy. I want to walk right up to you all seductively and make you think I want you. Look into your eyes and give you that look… the one that says, I need it. It’s been too long. Kiss you on the lips, feel you open your mouth and spill out this giant load of semen into your mouth. Before your bitch ass pulls away, I shove my hand over your mouth, Don’t make me hit you and beat you down. Swallow some other dude’s cum for me. You’re a faggot and useless. I’m smiling as I write this.
All you closet fags are just fags. Especially YOU. Boohoo, QQ, you’re a faggot. You’ll never touch me. Get close to me unless you’re ready to slurp jizz, fuck rag.